Hill Class - Preschool

Hill Class


Welcome to Hill Class Page!

In Hill Class, we respect that each child is an individual and will experience positive learning that reflects their personal journey. Early years provides a play-based learning environment which enables a child to learn and grow through experiences both inside the classroom and in the outdoor areas. Children can explore and develop their own ideas, both independently and working with friends and adults through discussion. This enables a child to enhance their own problem solving and gain in confidence in daily challenges which leads to extending their own knowledge and embed a solid foundation for their next steps in education. Children are able to access a range of experiences and activities throughout the day, some of which will be adult led and some will be child initiated, where they will be learning through play. As the foundation step in education, Hill Class promote a positive growth mind set and encourages the children to reflect on their emotions, exploring why we feel the way we do and encourages children to talk and understand the actions of those around them.

Children have the opportunity to take risks, and to be challenged across the prime and specific areas of learning and development. This is done through engagement, motivation, opportunities for critical thinking and problem solving, building upon and developing the characteristics of effective learning.

Throughout Hill Class, the children are encouraged to take ownership of the learning environment, to care and respect each other and develop healthy relationship where every child feels valued as an individual. 

In our class you will find:

Preschool Teacher and EYFS Lead:

Mrs S Leuty

Preschool Teacher:

Mrs K Abrams-Stebbings  

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs C Patrick, Mrs E Palin, Miss J Waling

Curriculum Overview

2023-2024 SUMMER

In the first half of the Summer term, children in Hill class will be exploring 'Animals and their babies.' They will be extending their vocabulary reflecting on past and present tense as well as learning interesting facts about animals their babies and the roles that support animal welfare from farms and vets to zoologists. We will looking at many books around creatures and insects, that will develop our understanding of friendship, numbers to 10 and encouraging our understanding of emotions.

This term we will be looking and investigating St George’s Day and May Day.

In the second half of the term we will be exploring 'Heroes and Adventurers.'  This topic will support the children in understanding what shaped our past, recall and relive their past experiences and support our understanding of positional language.

The learning environment will also support the children in the recognition of numbers and that number can be represented in a variety of ways. We will continue on our understanding of phonics and develop our independent personal skills, especially those are getting ready for their next step in education and moving on to being ‘school ready.’ These skills include working on fine motor skills which include holding writing equipment correctly, using scissors, using blocks or toys to construct something. The children are encourages to be independent in dressing, and even hygiene tasks like brushing teeth or hair and using a toilet. 

Recommended Websites and Apps

Is your child ready for school? Not sure? Check out Pacey's website which is a great tool for helping you to understand your child's learning. If your not sure, please speak to a staff member of Hill Class who can help you.


Phonics play is a great resource for early education games. As we learn new skills, we will include the link on our weekly post or you can research them by using this link.


A selection of free interactive games to support your child’s developing phonic knowledge (some games do require a paid subscription).



Knowledge Organisers

Please see below for our yearly curriculum overview and our termly overview of learning which this term is 'Animals and their Babies' and 'Heroes and Adventurers.'

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