School Performance and SIAMS/OFSTED

School Performance and OFSTED/SIAMS

Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Wisbech St Mary's

EYFS Performance Data


School (2023):
Nationally (2023):


Phonics (assessed in June 2023):

Year 1 (school 2023): 79%
Year 1 (nationally in 2023):

End of KS1: 89%
End of KS1 (nationally in 2023):

Multiplication Check (Y4)

Year 4 MTC results (30 children)
Achieving 25/25 (School):
Average score (School):

Children achieving 25/25 (Nationally): 29%

Average Score (Nationally): 20.2

KS1 (Y2) Performance Data

Year 2 Outcomes
(based on KS1 SATs and teacher assessment; moderated by Cambridgeshire LA)

Subject % of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: School 2023 % of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: nationally 2023
English reading 66% (21%GD) 68%
English writing 58% (4% GD) 60%
Mathematics 75% (17% GD) 70%
Science 90% 79%
Combined 58% (4% GD)

KS2 (Y6) Performance data

Year 6 Outcomes
(based on KS2 SATs and teacher assessment; externally moderated by Cambridgeshire LA)

Subject % of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: School 2023 % of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: nationally 2023
English reading 100% (80% GD) 73% (27% GD)
English writing 96% (8% GD) 71%
Mathematics 100% (50% GD) 73%
Science 100% 70%
Combined 96% (10% GD) 59%
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